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Internet of Things (IoT) and Engineering Applications

ISSN 2371-8609(Print)

ISSN 2371-8617(Online)

Aims & Scope

The journal promotes and expedites the dissemination of new research results.There is an exciting and large volume of research activity in the field worldwide.The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians and scientists all over the world to share, promote, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of internet of things and engineering applications.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

Internet of Things Architecture
Interoperability of IoT systems
Social Acceptance of IoT Systems
Physical world event processing
Mobile IoT
Smart and urban mobility
IoT device or circuit design
IoT applications and services
Architecture and systems design
Interface and control systems
IoT analytics
Security of Things
Consent acquisition and ethics in IoT
Human-Computer Interaction and privacy in IoT
Location privacy in IoT
IoT and Human-Data Interaction
Cognitive IoT
IoT based e-Commerce
Smart City Applications
Crowd Sensing and Management
Smart Grids and Energy Management
Intelligent Transport and Applications

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