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Manuscripts submitted to Clausius Scientific Press (CSP) must contain original material. The submitted manuscript, or any translation of it, must neither be published, nor be submitted for publication elsewhere. Violations of these rules will normally result in an immediate rejection of the submission without further review.
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Handbook for Design, Evaluation of Non-linear Component for Vibration Control
Clausius Scientific Press Inc.
Published: March 2018
Print Length: 240 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9958867-7-3
Price: C$ 130.00
MCDM methods for Business and Management
Clausius Scientific Press Inc.
Published: April 2020
Print Length: 157 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-989348-37-6
Price: C$ 120.00
The Structure and Surface-Related Band Structure of γ-PtBi2
Clausius Scientific Press Inc.
Published: June 2022
Print Length: 47 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-990792-12-0
Price: C$ 100.00
Gender in Socio-Economic Context
Clausius Scientific Press Inc.
Published: August 2023
Print Length: 453 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-990792-32-8
Price: C$ 500.00