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Research on Route Planning of Red Tourist Attractions in Guangzhou Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

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DOI: 10.23977/autml.2023.040102 | Downloads: 74 | Views: 1528


Shuqi Liang 1


1 School of Information Engineering, Zhujiang College of South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510900, China

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Shuqi Liang


The development of red cultural resources in Guangzhou is scattered, and there are problems such as many but not precise and repeated development. In this paper, the tourism group is divided into two kinds of red study groups and ordinary tourism tourists, based on the ant colony algorithm, with the shortest path as the objective function, for ordinary tourists this paper selects the top ten red attractions in Guangzhou combined with the surrounding characteristic attractions, and uses MATLAB programming to plan the tourism route; for red study groups, this paper divides the red attractions in Guangzhou into municipal districts, and does not consider the surrounding attractions in the same way to plan The best path is planned in the same way. In this way, we can promote the dissemination of red history and culture, help the development of red tourism, and provide some reference significance for red tourism route planning.


Red tourism; Ant colony algorithm; Travel route planning


Shuqi Liang, Research on Route Planning of Red Tourist Attractions in Guangzhou Based on Ant Colony Algorithm. Automation and Machine Learning (2023) Vol. 4: 8-16. DOI:


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