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Research on Nondestructive Testing of Plate Components Based on Lamb Wave

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DOI: 10.23977/autml.2024.050202 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 277


Yaqian Zhu 1, Mingrui Li 1


1 School of Urban Construction, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, China

Corresponding Author

Yaqian Zhu


With the development of engineering technology, people have higher and higher requirements for plate components. Small defects in the structure may also lead to engineering construction, so non-destructive testing technology arises at the historic moment. Ultrasonic guided wave is widely used in non-destructive testing because of its unique advantages. Lamb wave is widely used in nondestructive testing of plate components because of its fast propagation speed and strong penetration ability. This paper gives the steps of the damage imaging process of Lamb wave, and introduces its excitation and reception, signal analysis, damage identification methods, existing problems and future trends.


Lamb wave; non-destructive testing; plate components


Yaqian Zhu, Mingrui Li, Research on Nondestructive Testing of Plate Components Based on Lamb Wave. Automation and Machine Learning (2024) Vol. 5: 9-16. DOI:


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