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Research and preliminary design of cooking robots

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DOI: 10.23977/autml.2024.050117 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 298


Lu Haotian 1, Huo Bainian 1


1 Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China

Corresponding Author

Lu Haotian


In the "Internet of Things" and "Internet plus" environment, the intellectualization of people's lifestyle has become the trend of the times. As a service robot that intersects with food science, automatic cooking robots replace humans in carrying out complex cooking labor. With the promotion of automatic cooking robots and the application of cloud technology, it has gradually led the upgrading and huge transformation of the trillion level catering industry. Although cooking robots are still an emerging industry, market acceptance, and industrial chain maturity are still in the basic development stage, we need to change the various drawbacks of high energy consumption, high pollution, and high manual labor brought about by the backward production mode of traditional catering in China, Effectively promoting the development of intelligent technology in China's catering industry and empowering the transformation of the catering industry with unmanned technology, cooking robots will become a breakthrough point. Therefore, the research on cooking robots has broad application prospects.


Cooking, cooking robots, catering industry


Lu Haotian, Huo Bainian, Research and preliminary design of cooking robots. Automation and Machine Learning (2024) Vol. 5: 133-137. DOI:


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