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Composites and Nano Engineering

ISSN 2523-9015

Call for Special Issue

Special Issues are an important component of CSP journals. They deal with more focused topics with high current interest falling within the scope of the journal in which they are published. They should be organized by recognized experts in the area and attract articles of the highest quality. Special Issue proposals are welcome at any time during the year.

Proposals for Special Issues should be submitted by the Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue and should include the following:

  1. Journal Name (In which journal that you want to publish a Special Issue)
  2. Special Issue Title
  3. Lead Guest Editor (Including full name, email address, affiliation information)
  4. Guest Editor (Including full name, email address, affiliation information)
    Note: Affiliation information should include your department, university, city and country or institution, city and country.
  5. Submission Deadline
  6. Publication Date
  7. Description: A 150-400 words summary about your Special Issue

If you would like to propose a Special Issue and be the Lead Guest Editor, please download Proposal Form, fill it out and send to [email protected].

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