Practical Pathways for Cultivating Innovative Talents in Higher Education from the Perspective of Innovation Culture
DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2023.050408 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 657
Lifeng You 1
1 Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou, 451191, China
Corresponding Author
With the rapid development of society and continuous technological progress, innovative capability has become a crucial aspect in higher education. Starting from the concept and connotation of innovation culture, this article explores the significant role of innovation culture in higher education, analyzes the challenges currently faced by innovative talent cultivation in universities, and proposes practical strategies for cultivating innovative talents in higher education from the perspective of innovation culture. Through the implementation of these strategies, it can better facilitate the cultivation and development of innovative talents in universities, contributing positively to social advancement and development.
Innovation culture; higher education; innovative talent cultivationCITE THIS PAPER
Lifeng You, Practical Pathways for Cultivating Innovative Talents in Higher Education from the Perspective of Innovation Culture. Journal of Human Resource Development (2023) Vol. 5: 56-62. DOI:
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