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The Impact of the Flexibility of Quality Contracts on the Quality Performance of Organizations: Moderating Effect Based on Quality Knowledge Distance

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DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2020.020101 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 3665


Li Xue 1, Liu Qiang 2, Li Bing 1, Guo Yu 3


1 School of Economics, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
2 School of Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
3 School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Heilongjiang, China

Corresponding Author

Li Xue


Measuring the quality of a company’s operations is the key to judging its existence. Based on the flexibility of the quality contract of the enterprise, this study studies its mechanism that affects the quality performance of the organization. This study starts from the flexibility of quality contract, and studies its impact path on organizational quality performance. It takes quality contract flexibility as independent variable, organizational quality performance as dependent variable, paradox cognition and control accidental quality knowledge leakage as intermediate variable and quality knowledge distance as Moderator. The empirical results show that the flexibility of the quality contract will affect the quality performance of the organization, the paradox cognition and the control of accidental knowledge leakage play a positive intermediary role, and the quality knowledge distance plays a moderating role. That is to say, when signing a flexible contract, an enterprise can improve its quality performance by improving the awareness of paradox and strengthening the control of accidental knowledge leakage.


Quality Contract Flexibility, Organizational Quality Performance, Paradox Cognition, Controlling Accidental Quality Knowledge Leakage, Quality Knowledge Distance.


Li Xue, Liu Qiang, Li Bing, Guo Yu. The Impact of the Flexibility of Quality Contracts on the Quality Performance of Organizations: Moderating Effect Based on Quality Knowledge Distance. Journal of Human Resource Development (2020) 2: 1-11. DOI:


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