A Study on the Influence of Job Satisfaction on the Propensity to Leave among New Generation Knowledge Workers
DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2022.040101 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 1267
Honghua Xiang 1, Siqi Zhang 1, Xiaofeng Zhang 1
1 College of Business Administration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economic, Nanchang, China
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As competition in the market becomes more and more intense, the competition between knowledge, technology and talent will become the main competition between companies. The new generation of knowledge workers is the most valuable resource for companies and their knowledge and skills are the source of value creation for companies. However, they are more mobile in the workplace than other employees in the past, and the willingness to leave is also stronger. Based on 193 questionnaires, the Peason correlation coefficient between the propensity to leave and job satisfaction of the new generation was analysed. The results show that the higher the job satisfaction of the new generation, the lower their propensity to leave. Finally, the motivation strategies and suggestions for the new generation of knowledge-based employees are proposed in order to improve the core competitiveness and promote the sustainable development of the enterprise, which is crucial for the human resource management of the enterprise.
Post 80s and 90s, knowledgeable Employees, job Satisfaction, turnover Intention, human Resource ManagementCITE THIS PAPER
Honghua Xiang, Siqi Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, A Study on the Influence of Job Satisfaction on the Propensity to Leave among New Generation Knowledge Workers. Journal of Human Resource Development (2022) Vol. 4: 1-10. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jhrd.2022.040101.
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