Analysis on the information construction of human resource management in public hospitals
DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2024.060411 | Downloads: 2 | Views: 119
Chen Hong 1
1 Mental Healthy Center in Chongqing Changshou District, Chongqing, China
Corresponding Author
Against the backdrop of the rapid development of information technology in human resource management, public hospitals, as a vital component of the healthcare system, face increasingly complex and dynamic management demands alongside intensifying industry competition. The advancement of information technology has become a crucial pathway to improving the efficiency of human resource management, enhancing the core competitiveness of hospitals, and achieving modern hospital governance. However, public hospitals still encounter numerous bottlenecks in the process of implementing information systems. These challenges include insufficient resource allocation, outdated management concepts, and issues surrounding data security and privacy protection. This paper begins by examining the strategic significance and bottlenecks of human resource management informatization in public hospitals. It then conducts an in-depth analysis of key pathways for system development, proposing optimization strategies such as strengthening top-level design, promoting transformations in management philosophy, and enhancing data management practices. These insights aim to provide theoretical references and practical guidance for medical institutions striving to achieve digital transformation in human resource management.
Public hospitals; human resource management; informationization construction and modern governanceCITE THIS PAPER
Chen Hong, Analysis on the information construction of human resource management in public hospitals. Journal of Human Resource Development (2024) Vol. 6: 76-83. DOI:
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