Analysis in the Importance of University-enterprise Cooperation in Building Cross-border E-commerce Practice Base
DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2024.060406 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 169
Sufen Lin 1
1 Changchun University of Finance and Economics, Changchun, Jilin, China
Corresponding Author
With the proposal of the "Belt and Road" initiative in China, international trade has developed rapidly. In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has experienced explosive growth in trade volume, becoming a new growth point for international trade and a pioneer and breakthrough point for the "Belt and Road" initiative. The number of cross-border e-commerce enterprises is continuously increasing, and the demand for cross-border e-commerce talents by enterprises is also growing. To promote the connotative development of cross-border e-commerce education in applied undergraduate colleges and meet the practical needs of cross-border e-commerce talents in enterprises, higher requirements have been proposed for seamless integration between enterprises and schools. Graduates of relevant majors in cross-border e-commerce should be able to meet the needs of enterprises after graduation, directly enter positions, and adapt to the needs of the positions, applying what they have learned to meet the needs of enterprise talents. External enterprise internships are a response to this need for students. The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce has led to increasingly prominent talent supply-demand contradictions. How to provide the industry with highly matching, innovative, and application-oriented practitioners has become a focus of attention for the whole society. This poses a serious challenge on how students can apply the professional knowledge they learn in school to practice. It also raises higher requirements for the effective implementation of school-enterprise cooperation, making it imperative to establish cross-border e-commerce practice bases through joint efforts between schools and enterprises.
Cross-border e-commerce, School-enterprise Cooperation, Practice BaseCITE THIS PAPER
Sufen Lin, Analysis in the Importance of University-enterprise Cooperation in Building Cross-border E-commerce Practice Base. Journal of Human Resource Development (2024) Vol. 6: 36-41. DOI:
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