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From Management to Governance: A Philosophy of Human Resource Innovation

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DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2024.060302 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 281


Tianlong Shan 1


1 Organization of Personnel Division, Criminal Investigation Police University of China, Shenyang, 100854, China

Corresponding Author

Tianlong Shan


There is no doubt that human resources (HR) have surpassed the traditional production factors such as capital and land, and have become the most active and creative elements in modern society. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the ways and influences of human resource innovation. From management to innovation, this paper attempted to analyze with philosophical thinking. From a philosophical point of view, the management of "institutionalized people" should be re-examined and the subjectivity, creativity and totality of people should be restored. The way of thinking must also undergo profound changes, that is, from a vertical and compulsive way of thinking to a multi-dimensional and multi-level way of thinking. In particular, as a new general trend, this budding has significance and can serve as a guiding principle for reality. Similarly, different organizational structures and management models have different effects on the development of enterprises. These are just various ways of organizing enterprises to achieve their goals according to different market environments and development conditions, and are not diametrically opposed.


Human Resource, Management and Governance, Innovation Development, Philosophical Analysis


Tianlong Shan, From Management to Governance: A Philosophy of Human Resource Innovation. Journal of Human Resource Development (2024) Vol. 6: 7-14. DOI:


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