Analysis of Core Employee Satisfaction for Port Project: A Case Study of Dalian Port
DOI: 10.23977/jhrd.2023.050608 | Downloads: 50 | Views: 750
Guangying Jin 1, Qingpu Meng 1, Wei Feng 1, Chunhui Yang 1
1 School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China
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Guangying JinABSTRACT
This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the satisfaction of core employees at Dalian Port regarding various port projects. It aims to understand employees' expectations of port projects, assess if these projects meet their expectations, and explore the impact of motivational and healthcare factors on employee satisfaction. The study addresses key questions related to employee satisfaction, motivational factors, and healthcare factors, hypothesizing that these factors significantly influence satisfaction, with variations based on employee characteristics and project types. The findings provide practical guidance for improving employee satisfaction in Dalian Port's port enterprises. The primary objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the satisfaction levels of core employees at Dalian Port with various port projects. By delving into their expectations and assessing whether these projects meet those expectations, the study aims to shed light on the intricate interplay between motivational and healthcare factors influencing employee satisfaction. The relevance of this research lies in providing practical insights and theoretical contributions that can guide Dalian Port's port enterprises in enhancing employee satisfaction.
Dalian Port, core employees, satisfaction analysis, port projects, enhancement mechanismCITE THIS PAPER
Guangying Jin, Qingpu Meng, Wei Feng, Chunhui Yang, Analysis of Core Employee Satisfaction for Port Project: A Case Study of Dalian Port. Journal of Human Resource Development (2023) Vol. 5: 52-56. DOI:
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