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Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning

ISSN 2616-3969

Aims & Scope

The journal promotes and expedites the dissemination of new research results.There is an exciting and large volume of research activity in the field worldwide.The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians and scientists all over the world to share, promote, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of civil engineering and urban planning

All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

1. Civil Engineering

Structural and Construction Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Road and Bridge Engineering
Geological Engineering
Seismic Engineering
Tunnel, Subway and Underground Facilities
Coastal Engineering
Surveying Engineering
Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Environment-Friendly Construction and Development
Cartography and Geographic Information System
Monitoring and Control Of Structures
Structural Rehabilitation, Retrofitting and Strengthening
Reliability and Durability of Structures
Computational Mechanics
Construction Technology
Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE
Engineering Management

2. Transportation Engineering

Road and Railway Engineering
Transportation Planning, Construction and Operation Organization
Modern Logistics System Planning and Optimization 
Vehicle Engineering
Traffic Control and Information Technology
Transportation and Social Economic Development
Low-carbon Transportation Technology
Urban Transportation Planning and Management
Acquisition、Processing & Publishing of Traffic Information 
Traffic Guidance & Forecast 
Urban Traffic Control & Congestion 
Pricing Vehicle Safety & Emissions 
Pattern Recognition & Image Processing 
Modeling and Simulation of Transportation System 
Automatic Incident Detection & Emergency
Response Three-dimensional Transportation System 
Intelligent Transportation & Logistics

3. Architecture and Urban Planning

Architectural Design & Theories
Urban Planning & Design
Art Design & Landscape Architecture
Energy Conservation & Equipment
Ecological Construction & Intelligent Control
Building Technology Science 
Aesthetics & Landscape 
Construction & Renewable Energy Sources 
Sustainable infrastructure

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