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Research on Classroom Teaching Innovation Promoted by Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of High-Quality Development

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060709 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 588


Yanhong Wu 1


1 School of Accounting, Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China

Corresponding Author

Yanhong Wu


This paper delves into how artificial intelligence technology facilitates innovative classroom teaching in diverse educational contexts, emphasizing the perspective of high-quality development. Through in-depth research and comparative analysis of teaching practices across different countries, disciplines, and grade levels, the study aims to discover suitable artificial intelligence education models for various educational backgrounds. It provides theoretical and practical support for constructing a more intelligent and personalized education system. The paper aims to offer valuable insights and experiences for education reforms and innovations nationwide, propelling education towards a more intelligent, efficient, and equitable direction.


High-quality Development, Artificial Intelligence, Learning Outcomes, Personalized Education


Yanhong Wu, Research on Classroom Teaching Innovation Promoted by Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of High-Quality Development. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 60-67. DOI:


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