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Youth Handball Sports: Value and Promotion Strategies Research

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DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2023.040107 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 997


Xiuhai Shang 1, Hongmei Qi 2, Huilin Yu 1, Yan Wang 3


1 Department of Physical Education, Changzhou Industrial Vocational Technical College, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
2 Department of Physical Education, Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
3 Handball Association of Hangzhou City, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Corresponding Author

Xiuhai Shang


This study unveils the multidimensional value of handball sports and proposes strategic approaches to promote its widespread adoption. By delving into the essence of this sport and its potential impact, we illuminate the physical and psychological benefits it confers, particularly during the formative years of adolescence. Furthermore, through a meticulous examination of the prevailing promotion landscape, we identify hurdles encompassing intricate regulations, limited infrastructure, and scarcity of coaching talent. Leveraging these insights, we present four key promotion strategies: bolstering infrastructure development, innovating promotional methodologies, intensifying awareness campaigns, and establishing robust management frameworks. Successful implementation of these strategies necessitates collaborative endeavors from governmental entities and diverse societal stakeholders. By recognizing and harnessing the inherent value of handball sports, we can pave the way for its seamless integration into youth communities.


Handball sports, value, promotion strategies, physical health


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