Gamification in Smart Classes: Implications for Teachers' Role Reform and Teaching Mode Innovation
DOI: 10.23977/curtm.2023.060812 | Downloads: 7 | Views: 552
Mu Yang 1
1 Continuing Education Center, Tianjin Maritime College, Tianjin Haihe Education Park, Tianjin, China
Corresponding Author
Over the past decade, gamification, the use of game design elements in non-game contexts, has gained increasing attention in various domains, including education. As information technology continues to advance, there is a growing interest in exploring its potential to enhance teaching effectiveness, learning experience, and engagement. This paper investigates the application of gamification in smart classes, a new educational model that leverages modern information technology. The study examines the implications of gamified smart classrooms for teachers' role reform and teaching mode innovation. Our findings suggest that teachers need to shift from traditional knowledge transmitters to multiple roles such as facilitators, collaborators, evaluators, and designers. Concurrently, teaching modes should evolve from teacher-centered to student-centered, problem-oriented, and collaboration-based approaches.
Gamification, digitization, smart classes, teaching reformCITE THIS PAPER
Mu Yang, Gamification in Smart Classes: Implications for Teachers' Role Reform and Teaching Mode Innovation. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology (2023) Vol. 6: 80-88. DOI:
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