Design and Research of Strategic Management Intelligent System for Small and Micro Enterprises Based on Multi-objective Optimization
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2022.050408 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 893
Hongrong Hou 1
1 Philippine Christian University, Manila, Philippine
Corresponding Author
Hongrong HouABSTRACT
At present, the task scheduling mechanism still lacks uniform standards and norms. Many scholars are studying the task scheduling characteristics of cloud computing, taking one of the indicators such as task completion time, cost, reliability, and energy consumption as the optimization goal. The research on multiobjective scheduling strategies is relatively few and immature. This paper aims to study the design and research of strategic management intelligent systems for small and micro enterprises based on multiobjective optimization. Firstly, this paper studies the basic task scheduling model and the existing task scheduling algorithms. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of performance management of small and micro enterprises and puts forward the establishment of a performance appraisal system based on enterprise strategic objectives to solve the existing problems in performance management of small and micro enterprises. After understanding and analyzing the basic situation of Company A and its budget management system, this paper finds that there are many problems in this company's system. Aiming at these problems, it puts forward a brand-new design concept of the enterprise's comprehensive budget management system, integrates various internal resources of the enterprise, and improves the company's management concept.
Multi-Objective Optimization, Small and Micro Enterprises, Strategic Management, Performance ManagementCITE THIS PAPER
Hongrong Hou, Design and Research of Strategic Management Intelligent System for Small and Micro Enterprises Based on Multi-objective Optimization. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2022) Vol. 5: 55-62. DOI:
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