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A Comparative Study of the Rhythm between "the Book of Songs" and the Poems of the Arabic Jahiliyyah Period

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DOI: 10.23977/langta.2019.21002 | Downloads: 32 | Views: 3864


Lixia Zhang 1


1 School of Liberal Arts, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China

Corresponding Author

Lixia Zhang


The Book of Songs and the poetry of the Arab Jahiliyyah period are different in the rhythm as the most important feature of poetry: the rhythm of the Book of Songs is not obvious, mainly relying on the intensive rhyming and overlapping of poems. The melody that constitutes the loop is a kind of calm, elegant, soothing and soft, with the subtle and gentle artistic conception of Chinese painting. The rhyme of the Arab Mongolian poetry is strict, and the rhyme is mainly based on the nature of the poetry. The melody is artistically expressive and enthusiastic, with a dynamic rhythm and magnificent beauty. This difference is related not only to the characteristics of the two languages, but also to the region in which the poetries are produced and developed, the background of the times, the economic form, and the level of cultural development.


Rhyme, repetition, weight, length


Lixia Zhang, A Comparative Study of the Rhythm between "the Book of Songs" and the Poems of the Arabic Jahiliyyah Period. Journal of Language Testing & Assessment (2019) 2: 13-17. DOI:


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