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Body Pose Estimation Based on Half - body Mixed Model

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2016.11004 | Downloads: 100 | Views: 7967


Xinhua Wu 1, Gang Liu 1, Jiuhua Tao 1


1 Computer Science Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China

Corresponding Author

Jiuhua Tao


In order to improve the effect and speed of human pose estimation from the static image, this paper proposes a method based on the prior knowledge of HOG eigenvalue and face detection to establish the human body bust mixed model for human pose estimation. First, assume that the bust human model contains K components, the static image is divided into M * N cells, each cell may be one of the components, according to the fractional calculation formula to calculate the root component scores, and ultimately determine the human body. The bodily mixed model can be used to calculate the position and direction of human limb accurately.


Human pose estimation; Object detection; HOG feature extraction


Jiuhua, T. , Xinhua, W. and Gang L. (2016) Body Pose Estimation Based on Half - body Mixed Model. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2016) 1: 14-19.


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