Research on Key Technologies of Intelligent Protection for Marine Power System
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2020.040204 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 1435
Yan Shaoming 1
1 Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, Guangxi 535011, China
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Yan ShaomingABSTRACT
In people's daily life, ships have become an important means of transportation. At present, China's shipbuilding industry has been rapid development, the number of ships has increased year by year, at the same time, the volume of ships has also become larger and larger, people have put forward more stringent requirements for the safety of ship power system operation. For the ship, the power system is the key. Only by ensuring the safety of the power system can the navigation requirements of the ship be effectively met. In view of this, this paper briefly describes the ship power system, and analyzes the disadvantages of the traditional methods in protecting the operation of the ship power system. On this basis, the key technologies applied in the intelligent protection of the ship power system are deeply studied.
Ship, Power system, Intelligent protection, Key technologyCITE THIS PAPER
Yan Shaoming. Research on Key Technologies of Intelligent Protection for Marine Power System. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2021) Vol. 4: 14-17. DOI:
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