Exploration and Research on the New Ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence + Security Education
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070413 | Downloads: 2 | Views: 112
Yang Feifan 1, Wang Lu 1
1 Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
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The development of artificial intelligence has brought unprecedented opportunities for security education in universities. The author combines artificial intelligence with security education to explore the feasibility and security measures of building a new ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence + Security Education. Artificial intelligence has unique advantages in developing intelligent security education courses, improving teaching methods, and enhancing teaching evaluation. While leveraging its advantages, there are also many challenges. One of them is the low degree of integration between education and information technology, mainly manifested in the large gap between teaching concepts and artificial intelligence basic technologies, and technological development is at a bottleneck stage. Additionally, as data security and privacy protection issues become increasingly prominent, it is necessary to establish sound data security protection measures and privacy protection systems to securely and effectively protect learners' personal privacy and behavioral data. Based on the above issues, the author proposes the following measures for improvement. First, the security education faculty team should be improved and the cultivation of educational work philosophy should be strengthened. Second, the security education system construction should be continually improved in accordance with data security and privacy protection requirements.
Artificial intelligence; security educationCITE THIS PAPER
Yang Feifan, Wang Lu, Exploration and Research on the New Ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence + Security Education. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 107-112. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jaip.2024.070413.
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