Research on the Influence Mechanism of AI Platform Technology Innovation on Marketing Conversion Rate of Partners—Take Hualin International AI Technology Innovation and Application as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070215 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 466
Shen Lijuan 1
1 Department of Translation, School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, China
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This paper focuses on the research on the influence mechanism of AI high-tech innovation in digital platform economy on the marketing conversion rate of platform partners. Through the research on the influence of AI innovation application in Hualin International Education Platform on digital marketing and commercial conversion rate, the influencing factors and mechanisms are verified after the analysis of specific actual combat data, and suggestions on the promotion of marketing conversion rate by AI technology innovation in digital intelligence platform are put forward.
Technological innovation; Platform economy; Marketing conversion rate; AICITE THIS PAPER
Shen Lijuan, Research on the Influence Mechanism of AI Platform Technology Innovation on Marketing Conversion Rate of Partners—Take Hualin International AI Technology Innovation and Application as an Example. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 112-121. DOI:
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