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Practical Analysis of Building Robot Operating Systems Based on Scientific Research Projects

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070211 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 537


Xiaodan Yu 1, Kun Zhang 2, Jianguo Wu 1, Suichun Qu 2, Yongjun Gu 1


1 School of Electrical and Energy Engineering, Nantong Institute of Technology, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
2 School of Electrical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu, China

Corresponding Author

Kun Zhang


The operating system is the core of the robot system. It is the key to ensuring the safety, effectiveness, and intelligence of robot systems. This article takes the "Autonomous Navigation Robot" research project as the background and conducts practical research on the robot operating system. The research background focuses on the limitations of some robot operating systems, namely that current robot operating systems are not suitable for robots working in resource limited environments, and the ability to adapt to dynamic changes and unstructured environments is very important. The system adopts a modular design concept, emphasizing real-time, robustness, and scalability. This article focuses on human perception and cognitive technology, as well as the design of interaction between people. During the system development process, work in conjunction with relevant research work. A series of tests and evaluations were conducted on the independently developed autonomous navigation robot operating system, including unit testing, integration testing, and on-site testing. At the same time, a performance comparison between the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Open Robot Control Software (ORCA) systems, which are of great concern in relevant research literature, was presented. The experimental results show that the autonomous navigation robot operating system exhibits superiority in key performance indicators such as failure rate, delay time, and energy efficiency ratio, especially achieving an excellent performance of up to 408 tasks/Wh in energy efficiency ratio, significantly superior to ROS and ORCA systems. The conclusion of this study is that the autonomous navigation robot operating system not only meets the needs of current autonomous navigation robot research projects, but also has good scalability and real-time performance, providing a solid technical foundation for the development and application of future robotics technology.


Robot Operating System, Modular Design, Perception and Cognitive Technology, Human Computer Interaction Design


Xiaodan Yu, Kun Zhang, Jianguo Wu, Suichun Qu, Yongjun Gu, Practical Analysis of Building Robot Operating Systems Based on Scientific Research Projects. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 77-85. DOI:


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