Comparison of Three Evolutionary Algorithms: PSOA, ACOA and BCOA on Recognition Arabic Characters Problem
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2017.21001 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 6178
Ahmed Naser Ismael 1, Majida Ali Abed 1
1 College of Computers Sciences & Mathematics, Tikrit University , Tikrit, Iraq
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Majida Ali AbedABSTRACT
Intelligence techniques such as Particle swarm optimization, Genetic algorithm, Ant colony optimization , Bee Colony Optimization can apply on the system as classification method for better result This paper we survey three techniques Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACOA), Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSOA), and Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm (BCOA),their algorithm and reason to use. In recent years, the area of Evolutionary Computation has come into these three. Three of the popular developed approaches are Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSOA), Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACOA) and Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm (BCOA), are used in optimization problems. Since the three approaches are supposed to find a solution to a given objective function but employ different strategies and computational effort, it is appropriate to compare their implementation. The problem area chosen is that recognition of Final forms of Arabic handwritten characters.
Particle swarm optimization Algorithm (PSOA), Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACOA), Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm (BCOA), Recognition system.CITE THIS PAPER
Majida Ali Abed, Ahmed Naser Ismael. Comparison of Three Evolutionary Algorithms: PSOA, ACOA and BCOA on Recognition Arabic Characters Problem (2017) Vol. 2, Num. 1: 1-12.
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