Study on Eco-Management Program of Status of Illegal Trade in Wildlife
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070125 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 642
Jiazhen Hu 1
1 College of Digital Economy, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Quanzhou, China
Corresponding Author
This study is dedicated to exploring the use of the "Satellite + Artificial Intelligence + Blockchain" technology project to effectively reduce the negative impacts of the illegal wildlife trade on global ecosystems, biodiversity economic security, and analysing them through a management perspective. By pre-processing a large amount of data and selecting key sub-indicators in terms of power, resources and benefits, and combining the AHP and CRITIC methods to calculate the weights and composite scores, this study identifies TRAFFIC organisations as the best performing organisations in terms of their commitment to wildlife conservation. Trends in global rainforest area, number of endangered species, and illegal trade cases were analysed using the ARIMA model, revealing a downward trend in the number of investigated cases, while an increase in illegal hunting indicators suggests an intensification of covert operations with insufficient response capacity. Therefore, the Satellite + AI + Blockchain project aims to enhance the management capacity of TRAFFIC organisations to combat illegal wildlife trade.Pearson coefficient analysis revealed a significant negative correlation (-0.973) between the incident detection rate and the actual occurrence of incidents, which was further clarified by linear regression. The likelihood of the project achieving its objectives was calculated to be 95 per cent, supported by relevant literature and model confidence levels. Finally, the study also assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the model, analysed the sensitivity of the detection rate indicator and confirmed the validity of the model assumptions. The critical role of the managerial perspective in project implementation is emphasised by exploring the impact of various aspects of PESTLE on project success.
Illegal Wildlife Trade, Satellite Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Ecological ManagementCITE THIS PAPER
Jiazhen Hu, Study on Eco-Management Program of Status of Illegal Trade in Wildlife. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 166-174. DOI:
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