An Empirical Study on Learning-oriented Assessment
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2017.12002 | Downloads: 119 | Views: 7779
Yang Gao 1
1 Tan Kah Kee College, Xiamen University, Zhangzhou, China
Corresponding Author
The paper focuses on the theoretical innovation of learning-oriented assessment (LOA) concept and investigates its rationale in practice via an empirical study. Firstly, the developed LOA is theoretically interpreted as an aid to facilitate current learning process, and autonomy for future learning and assessment. Secondly, the paper explores the effectiveness of implementing the innovative LOA in the empirical study where three research questions are raised. The data shows its success as a learning tool in practice. Lastly, some conclusions are drawn including a summary of theoretical explanations of LOA and answers to the research questions in the empirical study.
Learning-oriented assessment, autonomy, meta-cognitive strategies.CITE THIS PAPER
Yang, G. (2017) An Empirical Study on Learning-oriented Assessment. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2017) Vol.1, Num. 2: 33-43.
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