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The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Auditing

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060812 | Downloads: 59 | Views: 947


Yaling Peng 1, Jie Wang 1, Yuanyuan Zhao 1


1 Department of Financial Management, Chengdu Neusoft University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Corresponding Author

Jie Wang


In recent years, the scope of audit is more and more extensive. The audit business is more and more, and the environment of the auditee is more and more complex. In the big data environment, the data volume of auditees is growing rapidly. All these require auditors to complete more work in a shorter period of time and better complete the audit objectives. The application of artificial intelligence and other technologies can shorten the time of audit data collection and analysis and reduce simple and repetitive labor. It allows the software to learn the audit mindset on its own, so that auditors can devote more energy to solving key problems. At the same time, the artificial intelligence also brings opportunities and challenges to audit work. How to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is the current artificial intelligence audit needs to be solved. 


Artificial Intelligence, Enterprise Audit, Application


Yaling Peng, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Auditing. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 74-81. DOI:


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