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The current research status of knowledge graph in bridge and its application prospects

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060810 | Downloads: 47 | Views: 723


Yitong Bai 1


1 Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, 400074, China

Corresponding Author

Yitong Bai


In the context of the big data era, bridge data shows exponential growth, and there are characteristics such as temporal order and multi-source heterogeneity, how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to effectively manage and utilize these data has become a research hotspot in the field. This paper reviews the current research status of knowledge graph in the bridge field and its application prospects, mainly including the following aspects: 1) bridge knowledge graph construction. 2) bridge field data management, analysis and prediction. 3) knowledge graph in the bridge field application cases and challenges. 4) knowledge graph in the bridge field. The aim is to provide comprehensive analysis and guidance for future data research and application in the bridge field.


Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graph, Bridge Engineering, Inference Prediction, Data Management


Yitong Bai, The current research status of knowledge graph in bridge and its application prospects. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 63-69. DOI:


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