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The Extension of Chinese Tradition in Digital Age—Taking Red Packets on WeChat as an Example

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DOI: 10.23977/mediacr.2023.040808 | Downloads: 46 | Views: 938


Yuqiao Ji 1


1 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

Corresponding Author

Yuqiao Ji


Since WeChat launched in Chinese mainland, it has rapidly occupied the social life of most Chinese and has become the most popular social media platform in China undoubtedly, with the effect like Facebook in the other regions around the world. Comparing with Facebook or Instagram, WeChat extended its functions from the original one as chatting with friends online and following the interesting accounts to the financial area, for example, WeChat wallet and sending red packets through virtual channel. According to the report from official Xinhua news agency, users of WeChat sent around 46 billion electronic red packets - digital versions of traditional envelopes stuffed with cash - via the Chinese mobile social platform just over the 2017 Lunar New Year period. This statistic demonstrates sending digital red packet via WeChat especially in traditional festival has already become the latest popular trend and attractive entertainment in China. This article focuses on how WeChat red packets inherit and expand the form and function of traditional red packets. As the issues about inheritance and revival of traditional culture has been becoming more important at present time, the article attempts to take WeChat red packets as example so as to discuss whether social media can extend influence of Chinese traditions to the virtual world, and what influence the practice can make.


WeChat, Red Packets, Chinese Tradition, Collective Behaviors, Digital Practice, Incentive


Yuqiao Ji, The Extension of Chinese Tradition in Digital Age—Taking Red Packets on WeChat as an Example. Media and Communication Research (2023) Vol. 4: 60-65. DOI:


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