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Study on the Relationship between Layered Teaching Mode and Self efficacy of English Learning in Chinese English for Specific Purposes Class

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2023.071506 | Downloads: 61 | Views: 719


Hao Zhang 1,2


1 Lyceum of the Philippines University–Batangas, Capital Site, Batangas City, 4200, Philippines
2 Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei, Anhui, China

Corresponding Author

Hao Zhang


Layered teaching mode is applied to ESP classes to meet the various demands of students as well as solving professional problems. It is also connected to English learning self-efficacy. Quantitative correlational research was employed in the study, which studies the relationship between two variables. This study selected 300 college students from three universities in Anhui Province in China by the questionnaire survey method, which was adapted from other researchers and sent to students online through Wenjuanxing. The study showed that students' overall satisfaction with the evaluation of layered teaching is relatively high, but the teaching contents are single, and teaching materials are not updated in time. Students' English self-efficacy motivation is very strong, but their English skills are relatively lacking. A highly significant correlation has been illustrated between the two variables. The better the layered teaching mode is, the better English learning self-efficacy is.


Layered Teaching Mode, English Learning Self-efficacy, ESP


Hao Zhang, Study on the Relationship between Layered Teaching Mode and Self efficacy of English Learning in Chinese English for Specific Purposes Class. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2023) Vol. 7: 52-62. DOI:


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