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Study on the Feasibility of Planting Ryegrass in Alpine Regions

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DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2023.060307 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 691


Hao Caihong 1, Zhong Peng 1, Tong Guizhi 1, Wang Likun 1, Jin Zhenhua 1, Li Ping 1, Zhang Yan 1, Zhang Jiansheng 1, Guo Lihong 1, Li Xintao 2, Wang Weixia 2


1 Branch of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qiqihar, 161005, China
2 Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, 130000, China

Corresponding Author

Zhong Peng


Ryegrass has always been the main feed variety selected by milk producers in Europe and Oceania countries represented by the Netherlands. Therefore, ryegrass has become a very important feed raw material in the dairy industry. Ryegrass plays an important role in the rotation of fallow land and winter meadow, soil rotation pollution and restoration, high-yield cultivation, variety selection, silage processing, feed livestock raising, and can solve some common problems in production practice. We take ryegrass as the research object and ryegrass as the feed, and develop different breeding models to meet the needs of different enterprises and different pastures. The road of sustainable agriculture will also play a more important role in the development of grassland animal husbandry in different regions of China[1]. Ryegrass, as a high-quality forage grass, is planted in the high mountains of Heilongjiang Province, so further research is needed plant. This paper aims to explore whether large-scale production technology, mechanized management measures and fine management techniques can be used to reduce risks and losses, and whether it is feasible to further promote large-scale afforestation in Heilongjiang Province.


Forage grass; rye; sowing; management


Hao Caihong, Zhong Peng, Tong Guizhi, Wang Likun, Jin Zhenhua, Li Ping, Zhang Yan, Zhang Jiansheng, Guo Lihong, Li Xintao, Wang Weixia, Study on the Feasibility of Planting Ryegrass in Alpine Regions. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2023) Vol. 6: 42-46. DOI:


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