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Study on Grain Yield Changes and Driving Factors in Shanxi Province from 1999 to 2018

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DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2021.040101 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 1816


Dan Wu 1,2


1 Institute of Land Engineering and Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710075, China; Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710075, China
2 Key Laboratory of Degraded and Unused Land Consolidation Engineering, the Ministry of natural Resources, Xi'an 710075, China; Shaanxi Provincial Land Consolidation Engineering Technology Research Center, Xi'an 710075, China

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Dan Wu


In-depth understanding of the changes in grain production in Shanxi Province, and studying its main influencing factors, can provide scientific and reasonable theoretical references for the construction of food security policies.This paper selects the grain output data of Shanxi Province from 1999 to 2018 as the basic data, and uses the principal component analysis method to explore the main influencing factors of grain output change.The results show that the grain output of Shanxi Province has increased in fluctuation, and the development trend of total grain output, per capital grain output and grain output per unit area is basically the same. The results of the principal component analysis divide the 11 factors that affect food production into two principal components, which are the two components of agricultural modernization input and technology level and land input level. From the two component analysis, the agricultural diesel consumption and agricultural machinery are found. The total power and other factors reflect that the improvement of agricultural modernization has an increasingly significant impact on grain production and output, and has a great promotion effect on grain production. The increase in the use of agricultural materials such as fertilizer application, rural employees, and agricultural plastic film usage can increase Provincial grain production.


Grain yield, Principal component analysis, Influencing factors


Dan Wu, Study on Grain Yield Changes and Driving Factors in Shanxi Province from 1999 to 2018. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2021) Vol. 4: 1-5. DOI:


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