The Problems and Promotion Strategy of Rural Professional Cooperatives in China
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2023.060107 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 651
Jing Wang 1
1 School of Humanities and Management, Shandong Xiandai University, Jinan, Shandong, China
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In the current new era and new situation, the rural economic management system is constantly innovating, especially the rural professional cooperatives. Rural professional cooperatives are conducive to the construction of new countryside and the continuous improvement of farmers' income level. However, in the process of development, rural professional cooperatives have difficulties in financing, which has seriously affected the further development and expansion of rural professional cooperatives. Based on this, this paper mainly adopts the comparative analysis method, and then analyzes the problems existing in the financing process of China's rural professional cooperatives, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures for how to effectively solve the above problems, hoping to promote the better development of China's rural professional cooperatives.
Farmer, professional co-operatives, problems, financing, promotion strategyCITE THIS PAPER
Jing Wang, The Problems and Promotion Strategy of Rural Professional Cooperatives in China. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2023) Vol. 6: 40-45. DOI:
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