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The Empirical Research on Multimedia Teaching Based on Autonomous Learning Ability

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2020.41025 | Downloads: 38 | Views: 1765


Shanbo Song 1


1 Jilin Engineering Normal University

Corresponding Author

Shanbo Song


The competitiveness and development potentiality of college students depends on whether they have strong autonomous learning ability or not. English Teaching in China is gradually developing towards the direction of diversification, autonomy and active learning. Autonomous learning is the subject which is through the students' independent analysis, exploration, practice and other methods to achieve learning goals. Autonomous learning is a new learning mode in China. It is a capability that learners must have under the new college English teaching reform. Cultivation of autonomous learning ability is the need of social development to adapt to the challenges of new century. The application and development of multimedia teaching in China provide a good environment for autonomous learning.Through multimedia teaching, increasing students' interest in learning, improving students' learning efficiency and enhancing students' autonomous learning ability become a feasible teaching method in the new era. For it can explore new era of multimedia teaching of the advantages and disadvantages and whether the autonomous learning has a positive effect on students’ English learning.


Autonomous Learning, Multimedia Teaching, English Learning


Shanbo Song, The Empirical Research on Multimedia Teaching Based on Autonomous Learning Ability. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2020) 4: 171-176. DOI:


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