A Chance to Play is a Chance to Learn: Integrating Individuals with Physical Disabilities into Physical Education
DOI: 10.23977/curtm.2020.030204 | Downloads: 93 | Views: 2487
Colin G. Pennington 1, Lacie W. Pennington 2
1 Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX
2 SporTherapy, Fort Worth, TX
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Colin G. PenningtonABSTRACT
Coaches and physical educators are likely to come into contact with numerous students under their care who have a variety of physical impairments. These impairments, on the surface, may appear to be significant deterrents to participation in physical education, sports, and/or physical activity. However, with some modifications and special attention to these students and specific activity selection, physical education and sporting experiences can be an extremely inclusive environment for students with physical disabilities and limitations. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to focus specifically on youth and pediatric physical disabilities and cognitive impairments, and the manifestations of particular symptoms as they relate to physical activity and movement opportunities in physical education. General backgrounds of the conditions are detailed, as well as recommendations to modifications of physical activity, and general safety/First Aid responses for individuals with these conditions. It is recommended that physical activities and physical education for each student be individualized depending upon one's particular set of conditions. For complete and fulfilling exercise and sport experiences, both static and dynamic exercises are encouraged, although it is important to consider the level of intensity of the exercise or activity. Furthermore, open circuit activities, like traditional team sports such as basketball or soccer, inherently possess more risks and concerns to safety than closed circuit activities.
Physical education, adapted sport, intergration, epilepsy, Marfan syndrome, vision impairmentCITE THIS PAPER
Colin G. Pennington and Lacie W. Pennington, A Chance to Play is a Chance to Learn: Integrating Individuals with Physical Disabilities into Physical Education. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology (2020) 3: 81-89. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/curtm.2020.030204.
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