An Analysis of Education Problems in the Post-pandemic Era of COVID-19
DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2023.050108 | Downloads: 172 | Views: 2126
Shiyi Li 1, Norma Maria P. Rutab 1
1 College of Teacher Education, Graduate School, University of the Cordilleras, Baguio, 2600, Phiippines
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Norma Maria P. RutabABSTRACT
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 has caused an immeasurable impact and damage on most countries and regions in the world; and human beings have been entering the post-pandemic era to co-exist with the Corona Virus Disease 2019. During the process of fighting against the Corona Virus Disease 2019, most countries and regions have adopted such measures to shut down schools, but we still accumulate the relevant experiences of "suspending class and proceeding learning", such as coordinating the epidemic prevention and control, online lecturing, international cooperation and so on. At the same time, it also shows the maladjustments between teachers and students on the online teaching based on artificial intelligence and the application of artificial intelligence in on-site teaching, all kinds of psychological and social problems caused by this. The root is the closeness and knowledge training mode of institutionalized school education system suitable for industrial society. In the post-pandemic era of COVID-19, we should build up an intelligent education ecological system based on intelligent technology and the socialized education ecosystem with the integration of online education and offline education and multiple interactions between school, society and family.
Corona virus disease 2019; Post-pandemic era; Online educationCITE THIS PAPER
Shiyi Li, Norma Maria P. Rutab, An Analysis of Education Problems in the Post-pandemic Era of COVID-19. Adult and Higher Education (2023) Vol. 5: 60-64. DOI:
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