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Investigation and Analysis of Online Knowledge Payment of College Students

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2023.050106 | Downloads: 54 | Views: 1228


Miaomiao Zeng 1


1 Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, China

Corresponding Author

Miaomiao Zeng


With the rapid growth of people's per capita disposable income and the increase of development-oriented consumption, there is a large demand for high-quality knowledge and information. In the Internet era, free and abundant Internet resources provide users with convenient ways to obtain information. With the launch of the video website membership system and paid Q&A, the market education level has increased significantly, and the behavior of paying for online knowledge has gradually appeared. In this study, college students in Guangdong Province were selected as the research object, and the questionnaire survey method was used to analyze the online knowledge payment of college students. The survey found that college students generally know the online knowledge payment method, and have a higher willingness to pay and use knowledge products, but the utilization rate is lower and the amount they are willing to pay is less. The survey results obtained by this paper and the corresponding recommendations can promote a better online knowledge payment experience for college students, and can also provide reference for knowledge providers.


College students, online knowledge, pay for knowledge, survey


Miaomiao Zeng, Investigation and Analysis of Online Knowledge Payment of College Students . Adult and Higher Education (2023) Vol. 5: 40-47. DOI:


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