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Integrated Risk Assessment Analysis with Fuzzy Logic

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2022.030402 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 858


Betül Aktürk 1, Safiye Turgay 1


1 Dept. of Ind. Eng, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey

Corresponding Author

Betül Aktürk


In a developing business, it has a very important to share in terms of competitive advantage by detecting and directing the errors before occur. There are many methods in the literature for the early detection and prioritization of these failures. Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is also a common method of choice. The uncertainty and flexibility problem arising from error types analysis has been eliminated by integrating fuzzy FMEA. The probability, severity, and discoverability values determined for each error were examined with error types, effects and fuzzy logic methods. Probability, severity, and discoverability values are considered and analyzed. Each method was listed according to the determined risk process network values and expert opinion, and comparisons were made between the methods.


FMEA, Fuzzy logic, Risk analysis, Error Mode and Effect Analysis, Fuzzy sets, Uncertainty


Betül Aktürk, Safiye Turgay, Integrated Risk Assessment Analysis with Fuzzy Logic. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2022) Vol. 3: 8-18. DOI:


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