Analysis of the Precise Education Path of College Counselors under the Concept of Three Complete Education in the New Era
DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2022.041413 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 787
Li Min 1, Wang Ju 1, Liu Silai 1
1 College of Educational Science, Zhaotong University, Zhaotong Yunnan, 657000, China
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Counselors are the backbone of carrying out ideological and political education for college students, and are the organizers, implementers and guides of daily ideological and political education and management of college students. However, under the background of "three-round education", counselors are faced with difficulties such as insufficient cooperation of all employees, insufficient accuracy of the whole process of educating people, and insufficient coordination of all-round education. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward: 1. Strengthen the construction of education team and improve the cooperation of all employees; 2. Improve the quality of counselors and improve the accuracy of the whole process of educating people; 3. Build a communication platform, and strengthen the precise education path such as joint and collaborative education.
All three education; College counselor; Educational pathCITE THIS PAPER
Li Min, Wang Ju, Liu Silai, Analysis of the Precise Education Path of College Counselors under the Concept of Three Complete Education in the New Era . Adult and Higher Education (2022) Vol. 4: 80-86. DOI:
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