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The Challenge of Pragmatism to General Education: A Case Study of American General Education

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2022.041407 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 736


Qihui Zhang 1


1 School of Marxism, Tibet University, Lhasa, Tibet, 850000, China

Corresponding Author

Qihui Zhang


General education was introduced into the United States from Europe in the 17th century, with the expansion of American higher education and the pursuit of American pragmatism, general education in the United States gradually gave up the training of personal thinking and the pursuit of life ideals. General education in the United States has gradually evolved into a tool for students to acquire skills. It eventually led to growing hostility among Americans to general education, worries about the future of liberal arts students, the inability of employers to hire satisfactory graduates and a decline in the quality of higher education. Obviously changing the current situation of general education and balancing the relationship between the development of general education and the pursuit of pragmatism education for the future of the United States will be a major problem that must be solved in the field of higher education in the United States.


General Education, Higher Education, American Education


Qihui Zhang, The Challenge of Pragmatism to General Education: A Case Study of American General Education . Adult and Higher Education (2022) Vol. 4: 43-49. DOI:


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