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A Study On the Impact of Smartphone Use during Short Breaks on Student Engagement

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2022.040810 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 953


Li Yu 1


1 College of Modern Economics & Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Qin Nian Da Dao 59 Hao, Gongqing City, China

Corresponding Author

Li Yu


Extant studies have demonstrated that smartphone addiction plays a negative role on learning. However, the impact of a short-time use of smartphone on learning is largely overlooked. This paper, based on conservation of resources theory, aims to test the mediating roles of vitality and fatigue in the relationship between smartphone use during short breaks and student engagement among Chinese undergraduates. The sample in this study comprises 271 undergraduates in China. The results of the survey reveal that vitality mediates the relationship between smartphone use and student engagement, while the association of smartphone use and fatigue is insignificant, although the negative relation of fatigue on student engagement is tested. The paper shows that a short-time use of smartphone plays a positive role in promoting learning engagement and suggests an appropriate use of smartphone among undergraduates.


smartphone use, vitality, fatigue, student engagement, conservation of resources theory


Li Yu, A Study On the Impact of Smartphone Use during Short Breaks on Student Engagement. Adult and Higher Education (2022) Vol. 4: 77-86. DOI:


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