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Research on Blended Teaching Effect of Western Economics Based on SPOC

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2022.040707 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 809


Chunling Wen 1, Yue Shi 1, Dapeng Dong 1, Quanfu Pan 1


1 College of Economics and Management, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, China

Corresponding Author

Chunling Wen


Blended teaching mode is regarded as the general trend of higher education teaching in the future, which arouses students’ interest in learning and improves their learning efficiency. Based on SPOC, this paper takes Western Economics as an example to analyze the design and organization effect of online and offline blended teaching mode. Research shows that the blended teaching mode based on SPOC are improved in the expansion and communication of knowledge, team collaboration. The implementation of blended teaching mode improves students’ learning enthusiasm, but there are still difficulties as follows: Online autonomous learning in blended teaching mode is not friendly for the students with poor self-control, and the interaction between teachers and students online is poor, the feedback is delayed, and the learning climate of offline is not strong. Thus, it puts forward suggestions to strengthen supervision function, improve the incentive system of platform interaction and strengthen the construction of teaching team.


Blended Teaching Mode, SPOC, Western Economics, Teaching Effect, Research design


Chunling Wen, Yue Shi, Dapeng Dong, Quanfu Pan, Research on Blended Teaching Effect of Western Economics Based on SPOC. Adult and Higher Education (2022) Vol. 4: 37-41. DOI:


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