Research on the Influence of Ecological Civilization Education on College Students' Green Behavior Based on SEM Model
DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2022.040603 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 916
Xinyu Wang 1, Peilu Li 1
1 School of Economics and Management, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China
Corresponding Author
As the environmental problems and climate issues change and deteriorate, the idea of green behavior gradually wins support among the people. College students are the main group of the young generation, so the green behavior of contemporary college students and the construction of ecological civilization education have received an increasingly attention. Based on the theory of planned behavior, a framework is constructed to identify the factors that affect green behavior, including ecological civilization education, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, behavioral attitude, and behavioral intention.By using Structural Equation Modeling, empirical research was carried out to identify the influencing factors of students' green behavior, the path and rules of ecological civilization education on different factors. Finally, the corresponding suggestions were put forward. Results show that ecological civilization education has profound positive impact on the green behavior of college students. Moreover, there is a direct path and an indirect path of the impact of ecological civilization education, which are respectively ecological civilization education―green behavior and ecological civilization education―subjective norm―green behavioral intention―green behavior.
Structural Equation Modeling, Theory of Planned Behavior, Ecological Civilization EducationCITE THIS PAPER
Xinyu Wang, Peilu Li, Research on the Influence of Ecological Civilization Education on College Students' Green Behavior Based on SEM Model. Adult and Higher Education (2022) Vol. 4: 12-21. DOI:
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