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A Comparative Analysis of Hypotaxis and Parataxis between Chinese and English: a Case Study of Zhang Peiji's Translation of Ba Jin's Sunrise on the Sea

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2022.050111 | Downloads: 49 | Views: 1035


Xiaoyu Tan 1


1 School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221000, China

Corresponding Author

Xiaoyu Tan


Hypotaxis and parataxis are two important concepts in language syntax and one of the important differences between English and Chinese. Sunrise on the Sea, as a representative lyrical prose of Ba Jin, a famous modern Chinese essayist, has been translated into English by many translators. This paper selects Mr. Zhang Peiji's translation and illustrates it with specific examples from three aspects: the use of subject, preposition, conjunctions and voice. This paper aims to make a comparative analysis of the characteristics of Hypotaxis and parataxis between English and Chinese, and to explore the translation skills of hypotaxis and parataxis at the level of sentence and discourse, so as to provide a theoretical basis for English-Chinese translation.


Comparative analysis, Hypotaxis, Parataxis, Sunrise on the sea


Xiaoyu Tan, A Comparative Analysis of Hypotaxis and Parataxis between Chinese and English: a Case Study of Zhang Peiji's Translation of Ba Jin's Sunrise on the Sea. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2022) Vol. 5: 46-51. DOI:


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