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The Introduction of Reverse Thinking in College English Translation Rducation

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.51220 | Downloads: 36 | Views: 1487


Yongsheng Guo 1


1 Department of English, College of Foreign Languages, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, Xi'an 710100, Shannxi, China

Corresponding Author

Yongsheng Guo


With the continuous development of society, people pay more and more attention to knowledge, and in education, it is more indoctrination teaching. However, this method ignores the students' ability to solve the problems encountered in the process of learning. Therefore, in order to improve students' ability to solve and deal with problems, we have to apply, study and analyze reverse thinking, and put forward corresponding countermeasures to cultivate their applied talents. Taking college students as the research object, this paper makes a questionnaire survey and analysis, discusses and summarizes their thoughts and emotions and the introduction methods of reverse thinking, introduces the concept definition and composition of reverse thinking, expounds the current situation of English translation education and the role of reverse thinking in English translation, and puts forward some solutions and suggestions. Finally, through the questionnaire survey, this paper investigates the current situation of Contemporary College English translation education. The survey results show that college students' views on the current situation of English translation are mainly that the teaching mode lags behind, the educational concept falls into a low-level cognitive closed loop, and the unreasonable curriculum. At the same time, boys and girls have similar understanding of difficulties in English learning. This is related to all kinds of difficulties they will encounter in the process of learning. The first is the language environment. Due to the influence of Chinese traditional culture and the advanced educational ideas of western countries, there is a lack of good English learning atmosphere. Secondly, the students' personal ability is insufficient, the basic knowledge of foreign language is weak, and they lack practical experience and application ability. Thirdly, there are problems in school teaching, and teachers do not pay attention to the explanation of the content of teaching materials.


College English Translation, Translation Education, Reverse Thinking, Thinking Introduction


Yongsheng Guo, The Introduction of Reverse Thinking in College English Translation Rducation. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) Vol. 5: 92-99. DOI:


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