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Why is “Blind-Obedience Education” Popular and Why is Compulsory Education Silent ?

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.51216 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 1286


Jianzhong Dai 1


1 Law School, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China

Corresponding Author

Jianzhong Dai


Nowadays, the debate about the standardization and innovation of compulsory education has always been a hot topic in the community. From the perspective of "imparting and passing on knowledge" in compulsory education, the basic education in contemporary China is naturally different from the "Xiang (ancient term for country school) style" education and private school education in Chinese history. From the perspective of "Removing doubts" and "bringing forth the new through the old", forward-looking educational ideas and original educational thinking are the important connotation of revitalizing national education. Family education and social education are closely linked. At present, in China, the "legal quality" of compulsory education is still unable to control the rise of "blind obedience education".


Blind-obedience education, Compulsory education, Family education


Jianzhong Dai, Why is "Blind-Obedience Education" Popular and Why is Compulsory Education Silent ?. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) 5: 68-70. DOI:


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