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Observation of Interaction and Movement in an ESL Classroom

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2021.030318 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 1132


Peng Zhang 1


1 University of Barcelona, 29603, Spain, China

Corresponding Author

Peng Zhang


Classroom observation was employed to investigate the amount of interaction as well as movement during an ESL classroom. The observation was guided by observation instruments and guidelines from a public university in Spain. A small size English as a Second Language (ESL) class taught by a veteran teacher was chosen to be the observation target. Throughout the observation, it was found that multiple interaction patterns with varying amounts of time were employed by the teacher. Four genres of teacher movement and dynamic students movement in controlled practice and free practice were also discovered. This offers guiding and instructive implement for notice ESL teachers in respect of classroom interactions and movement.


Classroom observation, Classroom interaction, Classroom movement, Tesol


Peng Zhang, Observation of Interaction and Movement in an Esl Classroom. Adult and Higher Education (2021) 3: 91-98. DOI:


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