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Research on WSN Topology and Protocol for Transmission Lines Monitoring

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DOI: 10.23977/isspj.2019.41001 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 3327


Wang Baoyi 1, Jing Sen 1, Zhang Shaomin 1


1 School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, 071003, China

Corresponding Author

Wang Baoyi


The battery of the wireless sensor node carries less energy, and its energy-saving requirements are relatively high when the transmission line is deployed. Based on the hierarchical routing protocol, a kind of new communication routing protocol is proposed. Reduce the number of long chains generated by adjacent contacts by introducing distance thresholds. On the selection of the cluster head node, the residual energy of the candidate cluster head node and the distance factor between the node and the base station are fully considered, which improves the data transmission efficiency and node lifetime. Simulation results show that compared with the existing LEACH communication routing protocol, the proposed method reduces the energy consumption of the node and prolongs the survival time of the node, which is suitable for the application of the transmission line monitoring system.


Transmission line monitoring system, wireless sensor network, Long chain avoidance


Baoyi, W., Jing, S.,  Shaomin, Z., Research on WSN Topology and Protocol for Transmission Lines Monitoring, Information Systems and Signal Processing Journal (2019) 4: 1-6. DOI:


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