The Relationship between Empathy and Teachers' Moral Consciousness of Preschool Normal Students
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.58016 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 1033
Huayuan Pan 1, Xinying Liu 1
1 School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710000, China
Corresponding Author
This research takes 300 preschool normal students as the research object, using the Interpersonal Response Index Scale and the Teachers' Moral Awareness Scale for Normal School Students as research tools, exploring the relationship between empathy and teacher ethics consciousness of preschool normal students. The results showed that the empathy and teacher ethics scores of preschool normal students were both at the upper-middle level; there are significant differences in the sense of teacher ethics between preschool normal students of different grades and those who have participated in internships; there is a significant positive correlation between empathy and teacher ethics of preschool normal students. Recommendations: Raise the level of preschool teacher ethics awareness in educational practice; attach importance to the empathy of preschool teacher students to promote the improvement of the level of teacher ethics awareness.
Preschool Normal Students, Empathy, Teachers' Moral ConsciousnessCITE THIS PAPER
Huayuan Pan, Xinying Liu. The Relationship between Empathy and Teachers' Moral Consciousness of Preschool Normal Students. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) 5: 74-78. DOI:
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